Future of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring IONM in Endoscopic Trans-Nasal Trans-Sphenoid TNTS Approach For Pituitary Adenomas . 

Why IONM in TNTS endoscopic surgery. Conventional Skull base approaches TNTS. Is pituitary surgery  safe , If tumor locating in cavernous Sinus, Transcondylar ,transjugular. chordoma , meningioma  and other types of tumors? Is there any risk factors while approaching ventral skull base via transcribiform, transplanum, transdorsum sellae, transclival, and transpterygopalatine fossa corridors . Intraoperative neurophysiological … Continue reading Future of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring IONM in Endoscopic Trans-Nasal Trans-Sphenoid TNTS Approach For Pituitary Adenomas .